Thank you for visiting Dr. Pooi Leng Lee’s website.
Dr Lee’s practice is currently located at the new consulting building in front of Sunnybank Private Hospital. The new address is at :
Suite 23, Level 1, Sunnybank Private Specialist Centre,
245 McCullough Street, Sunnybank QLD 4109.
Tel : 1300 85 95 38
Fax: 1300 85 95 48
The office opening hours :
Monday – 9:00am to 3pm
Tuesday to Friday – 8:30am to 5:00pm
Dr. Lee is an Obstetrician and Gynaecologist based in the Southside of Brisbane. Dr. Pooi Leng Lee provides evidence-based best practice on a wide range of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Services. She is friendly, approachable and committed to providing quality and personalised care for all women.
Dr. Lee has also recently joined City Fertility Centre, Southside to provide range of fertility care and services. If you need more information on fertility services, please visit City Fertility Centre webpage or phone 1300 483 784.
Dr. Lee looks forward to meeting you at her new practice to further discuss your needs.
To make an appointment, please call 1300 85 95 38
or email: info@ob-gyn.com.au